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Pets Sick with Mold

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Our pets along side us are suffering the same mold sickness as we are if the infestation is inside your home. Sometimes due to the stoic personalities most pets have, it's hard to notice until it's too late. There are many ways of finding it out, including pH tests, and candida home tests. Here I will compile information together to aid you in healing your fuzzy friends and bring you back to health along side them. Outdoor play is important to them during their sickness, so make sure to get them a lot of fresh air as often as possible. 

Key Healing Organic Treatments:

• Oil of Oregano
• Honey
• Grapefruit Seed Extract
• Colloidal Silver

• Neem Seed Oil
• Apple Cider Vinegar 
• Oatmeal Wash
• Olive Leaf Extract

Treating a urinary tract infection early is the key to fast relief and preventing more serious problems. With new and improved AZO Test Strips, you can take a UTI test at home safely and simply, then call your doctor with the results.

The same UTI tests that most doctors use to diagnose a UTI.
Two tests in one - including both Leukocyte (white blood cells) and Nitrite tests.
Easy to use and read in just 3 simple steps
Test results are ready to read in just two minutes.
No mess, with the new, easy-to-use handle

Solid Gold pH Test Strips are ideal for testing urine pH at home. Cats and dogs with chronic urinary tract issues such as crystal formation or infections may benefit from maintaining a specific urinary pH. If your veterinarian has suggested that your companion would benefit from raising or lowering urinary pH, Solid Gold pH Test Strips can help you determine the progress of treatment. The label shows a color chart with corresponding pH levels. 50 Strips per bag.
Please note: The proper target pH for each individual animal can vary greatly. Only your veterinarian can provide the target pH for your cat or dog.

Related products by this company:

• Wysong pH-
• Wysong pH+
• Solid Gold Berry Balance
• NF Formulas Cranberry Forte  

Olive Leaf Treatment for cats and dogs

Why recommend administration of olive leaf to my pet?

Olive leaf extract exhibits both anti-viral and antibacterial effects; it may also be effective against various yeast infections (Candida, ringworm.) The antioxidant properties in olive leaf extract may prove useful for the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis and allergic dermatitis. Studies with olive leaf extract demonstrate it can significantly reduce blood pressure. Recently, olive leaf extract has also been demonstrated to help both kill HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and inhibit its invasion of cells in humans, suggesting it may hold a similar potential in the treatment of related virus infections in animals, such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immune deficiency virus (FIV).

• How much experience is there with the use of olive leaf in pets?

Olive leaf has been used successfully for treating infections in pets for many years.

• What species of animals are being treated regularly with olive leaf? Dogs and cats are most commonly treated.

• How much research has been conducted on this supplement?

Olive leaf extract has been subjected to considerable laboratory research, but there are no clinical trials using the extract in animals or humans.

• How can my pet benefit from olive leaf?

Pets with infections, especially ear and skin infections, often show positive responses when treated. Since olive leaf extract also possesses antioxidant properties, it may reduce inflammation more rapidly than when antibiotics are used alone.

• How successful is olive leaf?

Olive leaf extract is very successful in helping heal pets with various infections.

How safe is olive leaf?

Olive leaf is very safe. A rare side effect is transient diarrhea, which usually resolves when the dosage is decreased.

• Where do I obtain olive leaf and do I need a prescription?

Pet owners are cautioned against buying supplements without knowledge of the manufacturer, as supplements are not highly regulated and some supplements may not contain the labelled amount of ingredients. A prescription is not needed for olive leaf. Your veterinarian may have preferred brands or sources of supplements that he or she will recommend.

• Neem oil for dogs can help with fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites and mange mites.

It promotes a strong immune system, healthy skin, a shiny, problem free coat, strong healthy teeth, all the signs of a radiantly healthy dog.

Dog owners who tried neem oil and neem products rave about the impressive and immediate effect of neem on the health of the dogs.

People usually only discover neem when struggling with a persistent condition that no nasty prescription drug could clear up. And then: a natural product resolves the problem seemingly over night. It is not surprising that we forever read about the "miraculous" abilities of neem and neem oil.

It's a shame that it takes a severe problem for people to discover neem oil for dogs. It's also a shame that by then the dogs have usually suffered for weeks or months, and have been subjected to a range of heavy duty medications, which in themselves have taken a heavy toll on the immune system and the general health of the dog.

The regular use of a neem dog shampoo, and occasional supplementation of dog food with neem leaf, could prevent problems in the first place...

• How To Use Neem Oil For Dogs

General Care

This is simple and obvious: give your dog a regular wash with neem shampoo, and occasionally supplement its food with neem leaf.

One of the best things you can do for your dog is to buy or make a good neem oil dog shampoo. Yes, I said make. Any dog shampoo can be turned into neem dog shampoo, by adding some pure neem seed oil into it.

Neem oil shampoo for dogs keeps fleas, ticks, mange mites and any other annoying biting insects away, and generally promotes a shiny coat and healthy problem free skin (just like using neem products on your own hair and skin does).

The neem leaf is a powerful herbal supplement that strengthens the immune system in general, supports liver function, purifies the blood and may eliminate intestinal parasites. Considering that most dogs eat commercial dog food, such a herbal supplement is a good idea.

• Dealing With Skin Problems

No matter if it's a fungus (ringworm), mites (mange), or biting insects, neem oil helps dogs. How exactly you use neem on your dog depends on the severity of the problem.

Using neem spray: dogs can be sprayed with neem spray, just as we spray ourselves with insect repellent. You can do this to prevent problems or re-infection. You can also use a spray to treat your dog repeatedly. This may be necessary when dealing with a persistent problem. It's certainly easier than bathing your pooch three times a day...

Using neem dog shampoo: bathing with a neem dog shampoo is of course also an excellent way to discourage fleas and ticks, and to clean up mange or ringworm. Make sure you leave the shampoo in for several minutes (as long as your dog will tolerate it) before rinsing. Do this two or three times a week. That usually does the job.

If making your own neem dog shampoo (by adding neem oil to normal dog shampoo), source some oatmeal shampoo. It's the best shampoo to soothe already irritated skin and relieve pain and itching a bit. Otherwise use the mildest shampoo you can find.

If your dog hates bathing, just use a dry neem pet shampoo!

You can also just use pure neem oil: if you have a severe case on your hands, you may want to try pure neem oil. Don't use it undiluted, though, especially if the dog has cracked, open skin, oozing sores etc. Neem oil is very strong stuff! You would add to the stress and discomfort, and that makes things worth.

Rather dilute the neem oil 1:10 in a light carrier oil (e.g. grape seed oil or almond oil). Then massage the oil mixture into the skin. You can apply it several times a day on problem spots.

For hot spots like moist eczema, or to treat demodectic mange, you can increase the concentration to a 1:1 ratio. Some people do use 100% pure neem oil in those cases. Don't leave the pure oil on the skin for more than 48 hours, or you dog may develop an irritation. Also monitor the skin, and if there is any reaction, just wash the oil of.

Using neem leaf: the preferred Ayurvedic people treatment for scabies (the human equivalent for mange) is a paste made from neem leaves and turmeric. It's more effort to make than the oil, but is certainly a good thing to use on dogs with mange.

An easier way to use neem leaves on dogs is to make a strong neem leaf tea or extract, and to dab or spray that onto the skin.

Make sure your dog also eats a healthy diet, with plenty of vegetables, vitamins and minerals. Any neem treatment shows best results when internal and external treatment is combined. Consider supplementing your dogs diet with dried neem leaf or bark. You can buy dried neem leaf, neem leaf powder, or bark powder, either lose or in form of capsules.

Internal use of neem leaf helps with intestinal parasites, generally helps the intestine, stimulates liver function and strengthens the immune system. In short, it will help your dog to deal with the external skin problem by fighting it from the inside.

Where Neem Oil Can't Help Dogs

Neem affects many internal parasites, but it is not effective against tapeworm.

Neem is also not equally effective against all ticks that may affect dogs. Particularly the brown dog tick appears to be very resilient. While neem will help it will not prevent all bites.

There is, however, one aspect of using neem oil on cats that is unique to cats, and that I wanted to address separately.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs 

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent item to keep in your pet supplies. It can help improve health, control pests, and ensure general well-being of your dog. It doesn't cost a lot and it works well, so it is definitely worth giving it a try if you need to find something that works for any of the problems or needs outlined in this article.

1-Understand the properties of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a product filled with minerals and essential vitamins, including magnesium, potassium and iron; many humans make use of its properties daily to improve digestion, baking, cleaning, and general health. The best apple cider vinegar is that which is fermented and unfiltered because it has "the mother" (a stringy substance) which contains the most enzymes and minerals.

2-Don't be concerned about how your dog will see apple cider vinegar. Sure, there is an odor but you won't be spooning this down the dog's throat; the remedies suggested here are all suitable for adding to food or water. Most of the time both cats and dogs will ingest ACV and never realize they are consuming it. After a while you can ease little by little into their water and their food until you reach the right dosage for the size of your pet.

3-Keep your dog/cat healthy with apple cider vinegar. Regular use of apple cider vinegar in your pet's diet can help prevent skin rashes, skin irritation, tooth decay, infections, and tear stains. The best way to give apple cider vinegar is to dilute it well in water or food and to ensure that it is only given when your pet has eaten already (to avoid a potential for upset). A teaspoon added to water or food 2–3 times a week should suffice as a preventative measure.

4-Use apple cider vinegar to aid your dog's/cat's digestion. You don't need to rush to the vet's for expensive pet digestive products. Instead, add a teaspoon to a large bowl of water daily. This will increase your pet's appetite, as well as balancing the pH levels of the pet's body. Apple cider vinegar will help improve diarrhea episodes and can fix constipation in a pet with repeated use.

5-Use apple cider vinegar to remove fleas from your dog/cat. Bathe your pet with the usual dog shampoo or soap. Follow with a rinse of apple cider vinegar. Make sure to work it through the coat evenly to cover all points. The shampoo or soap suffocate the fleas and the apple cider vinegar removes them from the pet's coat, as they can't handle the odor or taste.

6-Improve your dog's/cat's skin and coat. Apple cider vinegar works well for both the skin and coat. Dry skin and irritated skin respond well to apple cider vinegar applied directly. Brush the vinegar through the coat; not only does this improve the shine but also deodorizes them! For skin care improvements, add a teaspoon a day to water or food.

7-Clean out your pet's ears using apple cider vinegar. The anti-bacterial properties of apple cider vinegar make it ideal to clean ears out. Soak a small cotton ball or piece of clean cloth in the vinegar and gently wipe the ears as carefully as you can.


• Is Neem Oil Safe For Cats?

Cats are constantly licking, cleaning and grooming themselves, so whatever you put on them they will ingest. That makes the use of any chemicals or pesticides a particularly nasty option. What's a cat owner to do when a cat suffers from skin problems or parasites?

Neem oil shampoo is safe for cats, even for super sensitive, allergic-to-pretty-much-everything cats. In fact, you will probably find that the use of neem lowers your cat's sensitivity to environmental stresses significantly, and that its immune system in general improves.

However, not every neem shampoo or neem spray that's good for dogs is safe to use on cats!

But it's not the neem oil that is the culprit. The biggest problem with neem pet products is that many commercial neem pet shampoos or neem sprays also contain other essential oils, in particular tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is not safe for cats!!

Essential oils are often used to mask the smell of neem oil, and cats are very sensitive to essential oils.

If you want to use neem products on your cat, make sure you buy something without tea tree oil in it (or cajeput, or camphor oils). Or even better, buy 100% pure organic neem tree oil, and mix it into the shampoo or product you usually use.

Ingestion is not a problem since the shampoo is rinsed out. You don't need to worry about neem oil traces. They do no harm. The smell left behind is enough to discourage fleas. If used at low concentrations neem oil sprays are fine, too.

If it is safe for you to spray or bathe your cat is of course a different question... I do know that for water hating cats there is at least one dry clean, waterless neem shampoo for cats available. A nice smelling foam that you massage in and leave in your cats coat. (The smell of raw neem oil is not exactly pleasant...)

• The Safest Way To Use Neem For Cats

It's simple: use neem leaf on your cat.

Neem leaf is the preferred part of the neem tree in Ayurvedic medicine for treating any skin disorders. Neem leaf is totally safe, even if ingested in large quantities. In 5000 years nobody has ever reported any adverse affects or an overdose, not in humans or any animals, from using or taking neem leaf.

Neem oil on the other hand has shown some toxicity if ingested in larger quantities. It is not sure if the toxicity was due to the neem oil itself or due to some contaminant in the oil. Still, I would not treat a cat with a concentrated neem oil product that's left on the skin, especially when there is a perfectly safe alternative. Use the actual leaves on them and you will aid your kitty and make them more comfortable.

Urinary infections in cats can be a deadly and terrible cause of stress to your feline. Females do tend to get them more, but if males have an infection they may end up needing serious and costly surgery to save their lives. Here is Dr. Patrick McHale explaining the dangers and possible ways to prevent it. If a pet gets sick from mold, they too suffer a yeast take over. Keeping their urinary track healthy is very important to recovery.

Click Here for a great site for candida cures for animals. Bert's holistic products for Dogs and Cats

• Oil of Oregano

   Yes, oil of oregano (Organum vulgare) is derived from the same herb used for cooking. You’ve probably have tasted it in pasta sauce recipes. Not only is it a tasty spice, it is also used to treat a variety of health conditions, ranging from allergies to yeast infections, and many conditions in between. Amazingly, this essential oil is known for its antiseptic, anti-fungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. If you’re looking for a natural alternative to antibiotics, oil of oregano may be worth looking at. Oregano contains an important ingredient know as Carvacrol which is like a natural phenol, a product used for the sterilization of surgical tools. In fact, it believed to be more effective than carbolic acid, a sterilization product used in hospitals. It is also ideal antibacterial. 

• Scientific Research

   Georgetown University Medical Center  conducted  research into the benefits of using oil or oregano and here is what they found. Georgetown University Medical Center (2001, October 11). Oregano Oil May Protect Against Drug-Resistant Bacteria, Georgetown. Researchers studied the effect of Oregano on staphylococcus bacteria which is becoming antibiotic resistant. They discovered oregano at low dosages helped to inhibit growth of staphylococcus bacteria in test tubes. The growth inhibition was equal to standard antibiotics.

  Another test using mice was used. Eighteen mice were infected with the staphylococcus bacteria. Six of the mice were treated with high potency oil of oregano. Thirty days later 50% of the mice had survived. Six other mice received oil of oregano mixed with Carvacrol, which is an antibacterial component to oregano. All 6 mice died after 21 days. The other 6 mice were treated with olive oil and no other additives. All 6 mice died 3 days later. This study has also been corroborated by other research teams elsewhere.

• Veterinarian Uses

  Oil of Oregano has been known to treat the following conditions. Arthritis, Asthma, Burns, Canine flu, Cuts, Diarrhea, Digestion problem, Fever, Infection, Inflammation, Itching skin, Jaundice, Kennel cough, Sinus congestion, Skin conditions, Sore muscles, Treatment, Vomiting, Wounds, Yeast infections 

Here is a small video clip about oil of oregano and a rottweiler named Wizzy. 

(This just proves that not only do these natural treatments work on dogs and cats, and other animals  but it works on us too! So glad I stumbled on this! Glad to see more see the truth of natural healing.)

All of these treatments: Grapefruit seed, Colloidal silver, Oil of oregano, honey are just as good for us too:

Antiseptic: a chemical substance that inhibits the growth and spread of (germs) microorganisms

Anti-fungal: a chemical substance that prevents and inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Antiviral: A chemical substance that kills or prevents a virus from replicating.

Antibacterial: A chemical substance that kills or inhibits the spread of  harmful bacteria.

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